
Boost Your Strength With Transformational Journey Through Full Body Workout

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Full Body Workout: We understand, your schedule is packed, and finding time for separate workouts targeting your back, chest, biceps, and triceps twice a week might be challenging. Fret not, we’ve got you covered – especially your well-toned back. Welcome to our ultimate guide for full-body workouts.

Within, you’ll discover top-notch workout routines, featuring two plans curated by Josh Silverman, the head of education at the renowned London gym, Third Space. The guide includes a versatile ‘do-anywhere’ bodyweight session and two intense dumbbell-only workouts. Rest assured, these workouts are designed to help you build muscle, boost your metabolism, and seamlessly integrate into your hectic schedule.

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout

Before delving deeper, let’s collectively recognize that these workouts offer more than just time efficiency—they are potent strength enhancers when employed correctly. According to Silverman, a common misconception is focusing solely on building specific muscle groups, neglecting the interconnected nature of our musculature. Strengthening one area without considering overall muscle control might lead to a decline in strength elsewhere.

Also Read: How Quitting Smoking Can Benefit Your Workouts and Fitness

Benefits of Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout

It might sound straightforward, doesn’t it? Engaging your entire body ensures that no single muscle group takes precedence, fostering the development of a balanced physique. It’s not just a subjective claim; scientific research supports this notion.

A study featured in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research discovered that full-body workouts yield a more substantial hypertrophic effect compared to traditional bodybuilding splits, where each muscle is trained once a week. In simpler terms, if your goal is to build significant muscle mass, opting for full-body workouts is the key.

Also Read: Rucking Workout for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced

Let’s explore the significant advantages of incorporating Full Body Workout into your regular training routine, highlighting the top 10 benefits they offer:

  1. Efficient calorie burn
  2. Improved coordination
  3. Enhanced flexibility
  4. Increased balance
  5. Greater range of motion
  6. More functional strength
  7. Greater explosiveness
  8. Lower risk of injury
  9. Faster metabolism
  10. Improved cardiovascular health

What’s an Effective Full Body Workout for Building Muscle Mass?

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout

The primary objective of a full-body workout is to engage all muscle groups efficiently, fostering effective muscle growth.

Whether you’re a bodybuilder at any skill level, dealing with underweight concerns, or aiming to regain muscle strength post-injury or illness, a comprehensive workout can contribute to muscle development and enhanced strength.

Also Read: The 11 Best Trap Workouts for Strength and Better Back

Incorporate compound exercises involving multiple joints to target your entire body. Opting for movements that engage multiple muscles simultaneously not only saves time but also maximizes the potential for muscle gains. Focus on exercises that address large muscle areas.

Explore some of the top exercises for muscle development and learn how to structure your workouts. Additionally, discover dietary and lifestyle recommendations that support and sustain your muscle gains.

Best Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout

When assembling a workout routine or evaluating a program, the most effective full-body workouts incorporate compound exercises, which engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Movements like deadlifts, kettlebell swings, thrusters, and burpees involve at least three distinct actions to cover the full range of motion. In our selection below, you’ll find a compilation of recommendations for your upcoming session, complete with coaching cues and expert insights.

Devil’s Press

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. While grasping two dumbbells, descend into a push-up position, bringing your chest close to the ground.
  2. Push yourself back up and swiftly jump your legs back toward your chest, ensuring the dumbbells land between your legs.
  3. Upon standing up, harness the momentum to swing the weights between your legs and explosively overhead.
  4. Lower the dumbbells under control, return to the ground, and repeat the sequence.


Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. Start by squatting down and gripping a barbell with your hands spaced approximately shoulder-width apart.
  2. Maintain an upright chest, retract your shoulders, and gaze forward as you lift the bar.
  3. Concentrate on shifting the weight onto your heels and ensure the bar remains as close to your body as possible throughout the movement.
  4. Lift the bar to thigh level, pause briefly, then smoothly return to the starting position under control.

Kettlebell Swings

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. Position a kettlebell a few feet in front of you.
  2. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, bending your knees to lean forward and grasp the handle with both hands.
  3. Maintain a flat back, activate your lats to draw the weight between your legs (pay attention to the depth of your swing), then propel your hips forward and forcefully lift the kettlebell to shoulder height with your arms extended in front of you.
  4. Revert to the initial position and seamlessly repeat the motion without pauses.

Dumbbell Thrusters

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. Grasp two dumbbells by their handles, ensuring the back of the weights rests above the back of your shoulders.
  2. Gently bend your knees and lower into a squat, maintaining alignment with your shoulders.
  3. Engage your leg muscles, straighten your legs, and simultaneously extend your arms to lift the dumbbells overhead.
  4. Return to the squatting position and repeat the sequence.


Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. With your hands on the floor, begin in a standing stance and crouch down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  2. As you extend your arms, kick your feet back as far as you can.
  3. As soon as you touch down, quickly spring your feet back toward your hands and launch yourself skyward.
  4. Land, then squat down again to move fluidly into the next repetition.

Renegade Row

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. Assume a push-up position with your hands gripping the handles of two dumbbells.
  2. Maintain tension in your core as you row the right dumbbell up toward your abs, then return to the starting position.
  3. Repeat the movement with the left dumbbell to finish one repetition.

Bear Crawls

Full Body Workout
Full Body Workout
  1. Position yourself in a plank with your knees bent at 90-degree angles directly under your hips, ensuring your knees are elevated.
  2. Without letting your lower back rise or round, engage your core as if preparing for a punch to the gut. Maintain this contraction throughout. This serves as your starting position.
  3. Gradually “walk” your right hand and left foot a few inches forward. Pause, then return to the initial position.

full body workout programs

Here, we’ve crafted two workout plans with the intention that they aren’t just fleeting routines. For optimal results, commit to these programs for a minimum of one month and a maximum of three. Additionally, we’ve provided a bodyweight workout and a dumbbell workout at the bottom of this page, perfect for those seeking a swift exercise session or pressed for time.

Also Read: The 10 Best Inner Thigh Workout to Achieve Your Toned Legs

3-Day Full Body Workout

In your 3-day workout plan, your week is divided into three focused sessions: push, pull, and supersets. The concept behind this approach is to engage each muscle group twice a week, and the third session encourages an intensified effort with what Silverman terms an “antagonistic superset session.

In the initial two workouts of the week, the sessions are structured into several components. Commencing with a warm-up, instead of opting for a treadmill warm-up for a weight session, you’ll utilize bands and bodyweight exercises to ensure thorough preparation. Following the warm-up, the focus shifts to strength training, and it is recommended to progressively increase the weights used each week. According to Silverman, even a modest 1kg increment represents progress.

Over the span of one to three months, the goal is to enhance volume. Achieving this involves adding an extra repetition each week. Finally, the plan incorporates accessory work, integrating exercises targeting muscle groups that may need additional attention or supporting major lifts.

Day 1: Push Workout


  • Banded Pull Apart
  • Gorilla Stretch
  • Cat-camel Stretch

Round One

  • Goblet Squat 4×5
  • Floor Press 4×5

Round Two

  • Leg Press 3×8 to 12
  • Landmine Press 3×8 to 12

Round Three

  • Leg extension 3×12
  • Pallof press 3×12

Day 2: Pull Workout


  • Standing banded hip thrusts
  • Banded glute bridge
  • Banded pull downs

Round One

  • Pull-ups (assisted if necessary) 3×5
  • Rack pulls 3×5

Round Two

  • Hip thrusts 3×8 to 12
  • Close-grip lat pulldown 3×8 to 12

Round Three

  • Lying hamstring curl 3×12
  • Cable rotations 3×12

Day 3: Supersets

First Superset

  • Hack squat 3×8 to 12
  • Kettlebell deadlift 3×8 to 12

Second Superset

  • Dumbbell incline press 3×8 to 12
  • Bent-over row 3×8 to 12

Third Superset

  • Single-arm kneeling dumbbell press 3×12
  • Single-arm row 3×8 to 12

Bodyweight Full Body Workout

If you’re accustomed to home workouts, lack access to a gym, or desire a workout that can accompany you on your travels, a bodyweight full-body workout stands out as an excellent choice for maximum efficiency.

In the video above, Locksmith guides you through a follow-along session that can be performed anywhere – minimal space required. The routine involves working through each exercise for 40 seconds, followed by a 20-second rest. Move seamlessly to the next exercise, and after completing a round, rest for 90 seconds. Repeat this cycle for a total of four rounds.

  1. Squats into a jumping lunge
  2. Press-up (work out to the beat)
  3. Static squat
  4. Jumping burpees
  5. Leg raises
  6. Mountain climbers

Outdoor Full Body Workout

Irrespective of your daily routine, it’s likely that you spend a considerable amount of time indoors. Studies indicate that approximately 90% of our time is spent within the confines of four walls. This lack of exposure to fresh air, green surroundings, and sunlight can significantly impact our mood, motivation, and overall well-being.

While relocating your desk to the backyard might be impractical, opting for an outdoor workout instead of the fluorescent-lit atmosphere of your local gym is a feasible alternative.

Contrary to common belief, engaging in gym-free training doesn’t imply sacrificing muscle-building for a lighter effort. With just a park bench (or garden deckchairs, if you prefer), a resistance band, and this weight-free workout, your outdoor endeavors can deliver robust muscle-building accompanied by enhanced stamina and calorie burning.

  1. Wide grip inverted row (or pull-ups) x 5
  2. Dips x 10
  3. Assisted ‘no toe’ reverse lunges x 10 (each side)
  4. Split squat jumps x 20 (total)


This article is purposive for intended general information and does not mark individual circumstances. It is not an alternative to professional advice or help. It should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. A licensed physician must be consulted to diagnose and treat any medical condition. Any action you take due to the information on this page is entirely at your own risk and responsibility!

Also Read: 7 Easy Resistance Band Back Workout to Build a Stronger Back

Sharing Is Caring:

Rishi Govind is a nutritionist and nutrition counselor in New Delhi, India. He is a Postgraduate and passionate about his work. Rishi has over 3 years of experience helping people change their relationship with food and their bodies. He specializes in helping people with chronic dieting issues, food allergies and sensitivities, and digestive problems. Rishi's approach is rooted in the belief that everybody is unique and deserves individualized attention. Rishi is passionate about helping his clients feel their best. He is committed to helping them find peace with food and their bodies so they can live their lives to the fullest.

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