Due to their insoluble fibers, sweet potatoes improve digestion.
"Dried fruits, especially prunes, increase intestinal regularity too.
Best says chia seeds can help get your gut flowing because they are "high in fiber and can absorb water to help bulk up stool and stimulate bowel movements."
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Flaxseeds, another soluble fiber, dissolve in water and assist feces travel through the large intestine.
Research shows that eating kiwi daily speeds stool transit through the intestines and increases bowel motions.
Avocados are high in fiber and contain healthy fats that can help lubricate the intestines and promote bowel movements.
Magnesium, sorbitol, and insoluble fiber in whole grains encourage regular bowel motions.
Vitamin C and fiber in citrus fruits including oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes promote bowel motions and enhance digestion.