Some people have stinky pee after eating fish. Primary trimethylaminuria causes urine to smell like decaying fish due to an inability to change trimethylamine.
Drinking too much coffee might affect our urine's fragrance "contains methylxanthine chemicals.
Many Indian and Mexican recipes include cumin. However, too much of this component may cause odorous urine.
Sulfur-containing natural components offer garlic biologically beneficial characteristics. Eating this meal "may cause stinky urine
Probably the most prevalent meal related with stinky pee is asparagus. The veggie's asparagusic acid breaks down, "metabolized into sulfur-containing compounds when digested."
"Eating cruciferous vegetables like cabbage can temporarily change the smell of your urine to a strong sulfur scent."
There are several foods that make pee smell bad. However, certain solutions may make your pee smell sweeter and more pleasant.
Cranberry Juice
Because cranberry juice lowers urine pH, it may improve urine smell by reducing ammonia-like odor. Choose cranberry juice without added sugars.