There are lots of healthful foods for sweet cravings. Before that mid-afternoon dip, decide what you want before your cravings hit. Avoid feeding these demands by avoiding added sugar, saturated fat, and calories. Your sweet craving and hunger require a nutritious snack.
Chia pudding is easy to make or buy. Chia seeds include antioxidants, macronutrients, and a gel-like pudding.
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This trick will satisfy your craving for frozen treats. Paper towel-dry fresh grapes. Freeze in a small rimmed baking sheet for four hours and transfer to a freezer-safe container.
Freezing single-serving Greek yogurt can also satisfy your desires for sweet frozen treats. Go to your freezer, take a spoon, and enjoy frozen yogurt or ice cream!
Cottage cheese has protein and minerals like Greek yogurt. Protein helps you feel filled longer. Selenium, an antioxidant, protects cells and reduces insulin resistance in cottage cheese.
Fruit, Greek yogurt, 100% juice or skim milk, and protein powder make a sweet-tooth-busting smoothie. Greek yogurt and protein powder might also keep you fuller longer.
These portion-controlled snack nibbles quickly satisfy sweet cravings. You may meal prep some nutritious energy ball or bite dishes. Dates and coconuts are popular.
DIY trail mix takes less than five minutes to create and may satisfy sweet-and-savory lovers.