If they're watching their blood glucose, some folks may choose honey or agave syrup over white or brown sugar.
Deep-fried meals can raise blood sugar. Fry oil makes this dish high in trans fat. Trans fats can cause insulin resistance and high blood sugar.
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White potatoes may raise blood sugar. Pairing this carbohydrate with fiber or protein can reduce its glucose-raising effects.
Type 2 diabetics can develop insulin resistance from trans fats. Insulin is a key hormone that regulates blood sugar, therefore this might affect it.
Greek and Icelandic yogurt provide more protein than conventional yogurt, balancing blood sugar. For fiber, top yogurt with fresh fruit or nuts.
Smoothie bowls are smoothies with fruit, nuts, or granola on top. Acai, a deep purple berry, is the most popular smoothie bowl.
High-glycemic foods boost blood sugar quickly. White bread, rice, potatoes, drink, potato chips, and pretzels are examples.
The shopping aisles, particularly the cereal aisles, may overwhelm you.