Baked potatoes lower blood pressure. One medium baked potato provides 13% of the potassium DV. Hypertensives can lower blood pressure by eating more potassium.
Cantaloupe is a potassium-rich summer fruit. Its high water content makes it low in calories and potassium, with 5% DV per half cup.
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Mackerel, like tuna, is solid and versatile. Add avocado, veggies, and protein to a salad or sandwich for a complete meal.
This favorite cuisine can reduce blood pressure when grilled, baked, or roasted. Chicken leg protein decreased blood pressure in hypertensive rats.
This evidence suggests that individuals who eat more plant or animal protein have a decreased long-term risk of high blood pressure.
Chia seeds, which provide fiber, protein, and Omega-3 fats, are popular. Chia seeds daily for 12 weeks lowered systolic blood pressure in one study.
Acorn squash is readily available in grocery stores in fall and winter. Another potassium-rich food is acorn squash, with 14% of the DV.
Quinoa has become a popular grain due to its nutritious abundance and simplicity of cooking. Quinoa protein lowered spontaneous hypertension in rats in 2021.