Replace them with these 8 recycled foods

Overly salty food

A growing body of research demonstrates that an excessive amount of salt, like an excessive amount of sugar, can be harmful to your stomach.


The consequences of sugar go beyond baked goods. When eaten often, sugary beverages like soda can damage your gut health.

Processed meat

However, despite their high levels of protein and saturated fat, bacon and sausage might be harmful to your intestines.

Processed baked good

Meals that are high in sugar and foods that are prepared quickly are key contributors to digestive disorders caused by nutrition.


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Fast food

Fast food is cheap and delicious. Fast food is one of the worst foods for gut health and microbiota.

Red Meat

You've probably heard red meat may raise heart disease risk. However, your gut health may raise this risk.

Artificial sweetener

Artificial sweeteners may damage intestinal health over time.

Soybean oil

Soybean oil, found in margarine, salad dressings, mayonnaise, nutrition bars, and many frozen meals, may affect your stomach.

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