Chicken breast is the epitome of healthy weight loss meals. Chicken breast has 26 grams of protein in 3 ounces.
Macula injury causes macular degeneration. This condition can blur eyesight. Macular degeneration can cause spots.
Artichokes, a superfood with high fiber, fit into most diets. One medium artichoke has 7 grams of fiber, 25% of your Daily Value (DV), which helps keep you satisfied longer.
Sweet potatoe
Sweet potatoes are loaded with dietary fiber—one sweet orange tater has nearly 4 grams of fiber, or 14% of your DV.
Whole grain bread
Nobody fears bread anymore. Quality, whole grain bread—not fluffy white loaves—can and should be part of your weight reduction diet.
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are high in fiber and low in calories, making them a stellar food for weight loss.
Brown rice
Brown rice makes a great side dish. Brown rice and other nutritious grains reduce abdominal fat.
Beans and other legumes, like peas and lentils, are high in both protein and fiber—a combo that spurs weight loss.