Weight control starts with proper sleep. Studies reveal that sleeping at least seven hours a night helps control hunger hormones and metabolism.
Get enough sleep
Stretch before bed
Stretch before bed. Stretching enhances sleep, says Frontiers in Psychology. It may promote circulation and muscle recovery, making you feel terrific in the morning.
Hydrate throughout the day
Staying hydrated during the day helps your body's numerous processes, metabolism, and snacking.
Create a healthy sleep environment
For best sleep, the Sleep Foundation suggests a cold, dark, and device-free bedroom.
Avoid eating
Resist late-night urges. Late-night snacking might disrupt digestion and induce weight gain. Instead, have a small meal early to allow your body to digest before bed.
Ensure a good sleep schedule
Consistent sleep is vital for good weight reduction. According to a 2020 study, you should go to bed and get up at the same hour every day, including on weekends.
Manage stress levels
Stress and sleep impact weight. Stress management helped overweight and obese adults lose weight, according to Journal of Molecular Biochemistry research.
Avoid caffeine
Reduce coffee and stimulants, especially in the afternoon and evening, to improve sleep. Sleep better with caffeine-free herbal teas.